
Evidence-Based Speech and Language Intervention for Birth to 3 (2011)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Search Methods: This study was conducted with an online search in a variety of electronic databases. The articles must have included experimental or quasi-experimental designs, an intervention for speech/language delays, and subjects 1) who were 3 or younger, 2) with scores at least 1 standard deviation below the mean on a standardized assessment, […]
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Speech Assessments for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (2017)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Search Methods: This review used a variety of electronic databases to extract appropriate articles for this topic. Articles must have been peer- reviewed between 1990 and 2014, in English, at least one participant with autism, one aspect of speech development assessed, speech output of children with ASD assessed, and had information on what […]
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Vocabulary Intervention for Adolescents (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Search Methods: The authors used a variety of online databases with no date limits with the following criteria: the studies must have been in English, subjects aged 11 years to 16 years, 11 months, intervention effectiveness studies, and had a focus on enhancing oral receptive and/or expressive vocabulary skills. The quality of the […]
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Interventions Implemented by Parents for Developmental Delay (2017)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Search Method and Articles Included: The articles included in this review were found in an online database search using PubMed, Scopus, and PsycINFO with dates from 1974-2015. After two phases of article selection, the authors reviewed a total of seven articles that met inclusion criteria. The authors used the AACPDM classification system, which […]
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Speech Impairment and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Methods, Participants, and Design: The authors of the study recruited 10 boys (ages 4.5-10.3 years old) with a diagnosis of FASD, and 26 typically developing children (both girls and boys, aged 4.1-8.7 years old), who had normal hearing and speech-language development. Of the boys with FASD, 3 had a history of hearing issues, […]
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Cognitive Processing and Syntactic Sentence Comprehension (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Methods, Participants, and Design: More specifically, the subjects of this study included 234 children aged 7-11 years old, half with DLD and half with typical development. Subjects were from four parts of the country, and discovered through community centers, public schools, and summer camp programs through universities. The authors reduced selection bias by […]
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Pre-Linguistic Communication Skills (2009)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Types of Gestures: Humans use gestures to express communicative intent with gross (body, arms) and fine motor movements (hands, fingers, face, lips). Research from Iverson and Thal (1998) defined two types of gestures, representational and deictic. Deictic: Emerging around 7-9 months of age (Carpenter et al., 1998), this type of gesture can be either distal […]
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Predictors of Expressive-Language Outcomes for Late-Talkers (2017)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Participants, Methods, and Conditions: The online search used Communication & Mass Media Complete, ERIC, Medline, PsycEXTRA, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences, and PsycINFo databases. The studies must have had late-talking participants, been tested at least 5 months after determination and before the age of 5, have had data on one predictor, and been in […]
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The Relationship Between Phonological Awareness and Developmental Disabilities (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Methods, Participants, and Assessment Measures: Subjects were given assessments that evaluated speech, language, orthographic knowledge, and phonological awareness. The age range was chosen as neurotypical children begin to develop these pre- literacy skills around this age. Skills varied among participants due to the nature of study’s purpose, which was to examine “intrinsic factors” […]
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Play vs. Picture Description Language Samples (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Participants, Methods, and Conditions: The original group of children totaled 65 three- year-olds, which were required to be using 3- word utterances and have age-appropriate speech sound/articulation skills; all of the subjects spoke English, and passed an oral mechanism exam, cognitive screen, and hearing screen. Further, the subjects had to meet Lee’s criteria […]
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