Do you offer a free trial?

Rather than designing our community to be hidden behind a curtain, we work to be as fully transparent as possible about what’s included with our subscriptions. You can view our entire resource library before signing up. For that reason, we do not offer a free trial because there is no hidden content. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to determine if this is a good fit for you before you join and that there are no hidden surprises. Browse away and ask any questions you have that will help determine if this is the right tool for you and your clinical practice.

What is the cancellation policy?

Any subscription can be canceled prior to the next charge date. Your membership will remain active through your payment period.

What is the major difference between Therapy Fix and Access Pass?

Therapy Fix delivers hard color copies of our new releases to your mailbox each month. Each packet also includes a new poster, sticker, and laminated reference card.

The Access Pass offers unlimited digital access to our content. This includes access to the resource library (print any of our 1,000+ resources), Article Snapshots library (browse through one-page summaries of recently published/landmark papers), course library (monthly live courses + on-demand recorded courses for ASHA CEUs, AOTA CEUs, and CEUs approved by the PT Board of CA, which has reciprocity in most states).

Can I share these resources?

These resources may be shared for educational purposes. You may share them with patients, their family, friends, caregivers, and staff that is not related to PT/OT/SLP. It is explicitly against our policy to share resources with other therapists. Please refer, don’t share- this way we can continue to produce high quality resources!

Do you have a student discount?

We offer a partnership program that allows us to build relationships with students and includes a custom discount code for your cohort. Please contact us for more information.

Do you offer live courses?

Yes. We offer one live course per discipline (OT, PT, adult-based SLP, pediatric-based SLP) each month. All courses are then added to our on-demand video library and are available for CEUs.

Can I use these resources in teletherapy?

For sure! Here are some quick tips!