
Rare Vocabulary Production in School-Age Narrators From Low-Income Communities (2021)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study was designed as a “supplement” to a previous study by Mills and Fox (2016). Participants included a total number of 76 participants (40 girls, 36 boys), aged 7-11, from diverse backgrounds. None of the participants had ever received special education services. Graduate student clinicians and licensed speech-language pathologists administered the Peabody Picture Vocabulary […]
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Effectiveness of Speech Intervention in Patients With a Cleft Palate: Comparison of Motor-Phonetic Versus Linguistic-Phonological Speech Approaches (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Participants/Methods/Design: A total of fourteen participants were included in this study. Dutch-speaking children aged 4 years old – 12 years old were referred to the study by a local hospital craniofacial team. The children had no suspected or diagnosed cognitive/learning disabilities, hearing impairment, or presence of oronasal fistula. None of the subjects were to receive […]
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Language Development From Early Childhood to Adolescence in Youths With Fragile X Syndrome (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Participants/Methods/Design: This study consisted of 55 subjects with a diagnosis of FXS, and their mothers, with data retrieved throughout childhood (from toddler to adolescent age; data collected every 18 months). Almost all (43) of the original participants were still involved in the study during adolescence. The age range for initial observations and data collection in […]
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Working Memory and Linguistic Performance of Dual Language Learners With and Without Developmental Language Disorders (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Participants/Methods/Design: “In this research note, the authors report an exploratory analysis from a data set that includes information gathered from earlier studies and data not previously reported,” (p. 1302). A total of 130 preschool aged children participated in this study. The participants had to have normal hearing, no underlying neurological conditions, and no significant phonological […]
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Secondary Analysis of Reading-Based Activities Utilizing a Scripted Language Approach: Evaluating Interactions Between Students With Autism and Their Interventionists (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Participants/Methods/Design: Through local recruitment procedures, this research study included a total of 20 students (17 boys; 3 girls; age range of 7-11 years) who had a diagnosis of ASD. Subjects were excluded if there was a significant medical diagnosis that prevented consistent attendance from school, or if there was a diagnosis of severe motor delay […]
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Outcomes for Feeding Tube-Dependent Children With Oral Aversion in an Intensive Interdisciplinary Treatment Program (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Design/Methods/Participants: Subjects for this study were attending the intensive feeding program at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. Inclusion criteria established for this study required that subjects receive more than 90% of daily caloric intake via an NG-tube (nasogastric) or a G-tube (gastronomy) with limited oral intake (less than 60 g). After eliminating ineligible candidates for the […]
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Communication Interventions for Autism Spectrum Disorder in Minimally Verbal Children (2018)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Search Methods: An online search was conducted using a variety of electronic databases. Strict inclusion criteria were used including randomized controlled trials with subjects under twelve years old with a diagnosis of Autism, and considered minimally verbal. Results/Findings: After inclusion criteria was applied, the search resulted in two randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Between the two […]
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A Systematic Review of Interventions to Promote Varied Social-Communication Behavior in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (2019)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Search Methods: Articles were retrieved using a comprehensive online search using various electronic databases. The initial search resulted in 169 studies; the authors applied the following inclusion criteria: experimental design with a researcher or therapist to administer intervention, report quantitative information on “at least one dependent variable related to varied communication behavior (p. 798), and […]
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Evidence of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy Patients With Asthma and Rhinitis (2019)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Search Methods: The authors used an extensive online search through various electronic databases to find relevant articles. The PICOT (population, intervention, comparison, outcomes, and type of study) method was used to establish inclusion criteria. This systematic review included clinical trials with patients diagnosed with asthma and/or rhinitis (no filter on age/gender) receiving OMT and a […]
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Systematic Review Using a Clinical Scenario with One Clinician

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Search Methods: An online search was conducted using a variety of electronic databases. After thorough review of search results, a total of five studies were included in this review. It was found that each study used “different methodologies and investigated different aspects of therapy intensity” (p. 2), therefore the authors evaluated each study rather than […]
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