
The Feeding/Oral-Motor/Speech Connection: Diagnosing and Treatment

January 18, 2022 by Megan Berg.
In this course, we explore how structure and motor function has an impact on speech and language development. We cover what red flags might indicate a problem beyond a general speech and language delay in the pediatric population. We discuss how we can begin to differentially diagnose developmental delays from motor speech disorders, even before […]
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Bottle Feeding in the Outpatient Setting

January 17, 2022 by Megan Berg.
In the market today, there is an abundance of baby brands selling a multitude of bottle systems without regulations. There is limited information on why bottle systems are different and what indicates use of one over another. This course teaches clinicians to identify and describe differences in bottle nipple shapes and flow rates and identify […]
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Modified Barium Swallow Studies in Infant and Pediatric Patients

January 17, 2022 by Megan Berg.
At this time, there are very few infant or pediatric protocols and even less data on normative measures for infant and pediatric modified barium swallow studies (MBSS). This course will present the research on infant/pediatric swallow studies. The course will review candidacy for an MBSS, and include videos of MBSS to identify impairments and discuss […]
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Quantifying Bolus Residue and Its Risks in Children: A Videofluoroscopic Study (2021)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This retrospective observational study was completed at a tertiary children’s hospital. A total of 533 VFSS videos obtained from 2016–2020 were included. Pediatric patients with a variety of different swallowing disorders were involved, including those with neurological, chromosomal, anatomical, respiratory, cardiac, gastrointestinal, and unknown etiologies. All VFSS videos were completed at 30 frames per second. […]
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Outcomes for Feeding Tube-Dependent Children With Oral Aversion in an Intensive Interdisciplinary Treatment Program (2020)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Design/Methods/Participants:Subjects for this study were attending the intensive feeding program at Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital. Inclusion criteria established for this study required that subjects receive more than 90% of daily caloric intake via an NG-tube (nasogastric) or a G-tube (gastronomy) with limited oral intake (less than 60 g). After eliminating ineligible candidates for the study, […]
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Clinical Feeding Examination With Cervical Auscultation for Detecting Oropharyngeal Aspiration: A Systematic Review of the Evidence (2019)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Search Methods:An online search was conducted using a variety of electronic databases. The authors set inclusion criteria to studies 1) with children, 2) comparing dysphagia exams using cervical auscultation to VFSS/FEES, 3) with a variety of feeding disorders, and 4) all studies types in English. With regards to data analysis, the primary outcome “for diagnostic […]
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Pediatric Dysphagia: Physiology, Assessment, and Management (2015)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Normal Swallowing – Children with normal swallow physiology have typical phases of the swallow including the oral phase, swallow reflex, pharyngeal phase, and esophageal phase. These phases are “reflexive and voluntary,” but as infants grow, the oral phase becomes more voluntary. Typically developing children have adequate mastication which has 1) “appropriate sensory registration of the […]
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Atypical Swallowing, a Review (2014)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
An online search was conducted on Pubmed Medline electronic database, resulting in 82 articles total. The authors encountered issues during their search, as “atypical swallowing” appeared to be too broad of a term; they decided it would have been more helpful to use the term “tongue thrust.” The goal of the review is to see […]
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Impact of Ontogeny, Genetics, and Early Experiences (2016)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Throughout the article, the authors share and discuss several facts about taste development during childhood, and how taste preferences ultimately determine food preferences. Salt and sweet tastes are the most desired during childhood, with bitter taste having the most variance among individuals and usually rejected by infants and children. The authors give the example of […]
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Patient or Proxy-Reported Validated Instruments for Assessing Pediatric Dysphagia (2016)

January 16, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Description of Search Methods:This systematic review was initiated through extensive online searches using a variety of electronic databases. The articles were required to have studied assessments of dysphagia symptoms, subjects under 18, been written in English, and have at least 2 or more subjects. After rigorous review of online search results, the authors chose 5 […]
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