Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.

Clinical Reference

FEES in the NICU/Inpatient Pediatric Setting

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
This resource provides a broad outline for how to implement a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and/or pediatric inpatient setting.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

How We Explore Race, Culture, and Gender in Speech Therapy

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPArticulation and PhonologyLanguage DevelopmentLiteracy
This resource provides discussion points and supportive ways to discuss race, culture, and gender in therapy sessions with both clients and their parents/caregivers.
This content is only available to members.
Therapy Material

Literacy Pack: A Frog in the Bog

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
A clever introduction to counting, filled with bouncy text and zany illustrations, follows a small, hungry frog sitting on the log in the middle of the bog as he counts the many delectable delights around him, from one tick on a stick to three flies buzzing in the skies.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

Basic Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
People with cancer benefit from exercise therapy. This resource outlines the basics regarding exercise guidelines for people with cancer.
This content is only available to members.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTBowel/BladderWomen's Health
Do you have patients who report having difficulty with incontinence? Do you treat postpartum women? This is a no fuss, simple exercise program, to supplement treatment for stress incontinence.
This content is only available to members.

What Is Lymphedema?

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTCardiovascular Disease
Most healthcare professionals have a great understanding of the body’s various systems. However, the lymph system is less understood and talked about less than many of the body’s other systems. This document is meant to educate your patients who may not understand the lymphatic system.
This content is only available to members.

Mindfulness Series: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPMental Health
Part of Dr. Oak Reed’s course, Healthy Coping: Brief Behavioral Strategies for Clinicians and Patients, this resource outlines how to use progressive muscle relaxation to reduce muscle tension.
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Mindfulness Series: Guided Imagery

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPMental Health
This resource outlines how to use imagery to encourage peace and reduce tension and stress.
This content is only available to members.

Mindfulness Series: 5 Senses Grounding Exercise

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPMental Health
This resource outlines how to use the 5 senses to ground the mind and body.
This content is only available to members.

How to Hip Hinge

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTOrthopaedicsSports and Exercise
This intervention piece outlines the optimal technique to hinge at the hip. It can be used to guide deadlift exercise technique or to teach someone how to pick up objects while limiting lumbar flexion as much as possible.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

Supraspinatus Exercises by Level of EMG Activity

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
This resource outlines supraspinatus exercises from low to high levels of activity to help guide rehabilitation.
This content is only available to members.

What is an Acromioclavicular Joint Sprain?

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
This document is an educational handout describing acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) sprains and what to expect for treatment and recovery.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

Evidence-Based Practice for SCI

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSpinal Cord Injury
Do you have trouble knowing what outcome measures to use? This document is a quick reference for commonly used outcome measures for individuals after spinal cord injury. The document outlines what measures are best supported depending on severity of injury.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference


Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPADLs/IADLsProgressive Neurological ConditionsSpinal Cord InjuryStroke
This resource covers a variety of uses for build-ups, as well as different types of build-ups.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

Wheelchair Types

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
AdultOTSeating and MobilitySpinal Cord Injury
Compare different types of wheelchairs and determine which type is the most appropriate for your client using this guide.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference Handout

Adaptable Bras

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This resource covers adaptable bras, as well as tools and other alternatives for bras that can increase independence with dressing.
This content is only available to members.
Therapy Material

I Spy Activity

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain InjuryVision
This tabletop exercise provides questions that target cognition, language, and visual perceptual skills.
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference

Fall Risk and Medications

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This resource provides therapists with a list of medications associated with increased fall risk to use during chart review and medication management activities
This content is only available to members.
Clinical Reference Handout

What is Semantic Variant Primary Progressive Aphasia?

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is the rarest form of aphasia and is a neurodegenerative disease. There are three variants of PPA. This handout specifically focuses on the semantic variant of PPA and provides examples of how it may manifest in speech and language tasks.
This content is only available to members.