Two evidence-based solution-focused activities with a handout for clients experiencing health challenges that aids in constructing solutions instead of focusing on problems.
This powerful visual helps patients and caregivers conceptualize the changes that take place during surgical removal of the larynx. Also includes a list of changes that may occur related to speech and swallowing.
People who have survived brain injuries often need quieter, calmer spaces. It’s easy to forget that in a bustling medical environment. This simple sign reminds staff and visitors to follow some basic TBI etiquette when interacting with survivors before they enter the room.
Conflicting information can be confusing for providers, resulting in writing incorrect or incomplete orders for patients when it comes to swallow studies. This very brief summary provides an easy, quick-to-read summary you can share with providers in order to improve the accuracy of their orders. Covers clinical swallow exam, MBSS/VFSS, FEES, and the esophagram.
Introduction of solid food is a huge milestone for babies as well as caregivers. This handout provides some tips to note before initiating solid foods with your baby to make those early introductions as successful and fun as possible.
Improving peer engagement for children using AAC is a vital goal in fostering social relationships among peers, validating communication efforts, and improving overall quality of life. This handout provides a synopsis of interventions as well as sample areas to target for clinicians and educators.