Data collection during early AAC introduction is vital in supporting language acquisition as well as to help determine the most appropriate communication system. This form provides a comprehensive data form for providers to use when introducing AAC to early communicators.
The assessment and management of pediatric feeding disorders requires an interdisciplinary lens to ensure long-term successful management. This resource seeks to provide a quick reference guide of symptoms and observations seen in children with feeding and swallowing difficulty to the appropriate referral source.
This clinical reference describes coaching within the context of rehabilitation therapy and highlights coaching principles for behavioral change and goal setting. It is applicable across practice settings.
Do hip precautions prevent dislocations after surgery? All evidence points to: Nope. Load up on all of the evidence-based research on this topic and be a leader in your facility and your community to move towards person-centered, evidence-based care when it comes to hip replacement recovery.
Review the evidenced-based scales for disorders of consciousness and the criteria for disorders of consciousness and functional locked-in syndrome per the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised. Explore suggestions for treatment at these low levels following brain injury.
Printable call light signs of various sizes for various populations as well as safety tips for interdisciplinary teams for call light placement and other considerations.