This material works on visual memory in a fun way, with aspects of fine motor skills incorporated. It provides guidance on how to implement it in an individual and group treatment setting.
This reference provides the clinician an overview of the California Tri Pull Taping method and how to apply the technique to an individual with a subluxed shoulder.
Constraint induced language treatment (CILT) is a communication task that relies solely on verbal communication avoiding the use of compensatory strategies. This activity focuses on vocabulary related to a kitchen scene.
Dive into the evidence-base indicating lack of strong support for nonspeech oral motor exercises to address speech sound production for patients with dysarthria or apraxia of speech.
We often use sayings that have meaning beyond the literal meaning. This material allows a person to practice their understanding of figurative language while also targeting attention, memory, verbal expression, and visual scanning.
This resource provides details regarding accessibility features and accommodations for a person with visual impairments using Apple devices and includes instructions for setup.
Providers who work with people with chronic pain often wonder how much pain to allow during exercise. This resource summarizes findings from a study that sought to answer this question. The authors attempted to find the effect of exercises that allowed pain compared to those that didn’t allow pain for pain, function, and disability by […]