
Mindfulness Series: Progressive Muscle Relaxation

April 22, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Part of Dr. Oak Reed’s course, Healthy Coping: Brief Behavioral Strategies for Clinicians and Patients, this resource outlines how to use progressive muscle relaxation to reduce muscle tension.
This content is only available to members.

International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) Implementation in Health Care

April 12, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course will review the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) implementation in the acute care setting, including the rationale for utilization of IDDSI’s standardized naming and testing approach, key starting points/contacts for implementation of a new diet system within the health care setting, and various IDDSI levels and restrictions required for each level.
This content is only available to members.

From Recidivism to Transformation: Rethinking How We Approach Chronic Conditions

April 11, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Frustrated by repeat patients who never seem to maintain their gains from therapy? This interactive course will examine the role of health behaviors in the effective management of chronic conditions. Using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change as a guiding framework, we will identify stages of behavior change and target interventions to specific stages. Self-reflection […]
This content is only available to members.

Trauma Stewardship – The Science and Soul of Early Life Adversity

April 8, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course will introduce the learner to the biology of toxic, traumatic stress along with short-term and long-term consequences. However, it is not just the patients and their families that are impacted, but the clinicians as well. Trauma stewardship opens hearts and minds to heal the hurts that often go unnoticed and discover creative, evidence-based […]
This content is only available to members.

An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care and Practice

April 8, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course will provide a concise yet comprehensive introduction to trauma-informed care and practice for rehab professionals. Participants will learn how to utilize trauma-informed care in their practice and explore the impact of exposure to trauma and the incidence of trauma in different populations and clinical contexts.
This content is only available to members.


April 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers a variety of uses for build-ups, as well as different types of build-ups.
This content is only available to members.