Two evidence-based solution-focused activities with a handout for clients experiencing health challenges that aids in constructing solutions instead of focusing on problems.
This resource is a client-centered screening tool for adults with sensory difficulties. It has a comprehensive checklist of stimuli to develop a personalized reference that can be provided to caregivers, family members, etc to share what stimuli the individual finds triggering and methods of calming.
This resource offers insights into creating an adult sensory diet. It includes a worksheet portion that can be used to create a sensory diet as part of an intervention plan.
An easy-to-use guide for clinicians on how to design individualized memory strategies based on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs).
Included are ten badge reference cards related to arterial blood gas/vital signs, common ventilator modes, parts of tracheostomy, model of anatomy for speech, swallowing, and voice education, PMV considerations and cleaning, cranial nerve exam for speech and swallowing, Glasgow Coma Scale/NIH Stroke Scale, orientation log, determining risk for aspiration pneumonia, and Beck’s oral assessment to […]
This resource provides key principles of neuroplasticity with considerations to incorporate into treatment to maximize improvement through neuroplasticity.