
Can I Go Back to Work? A Work Re-Entry Program in a Rehabilitation Setting

November 4, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This course will provide information on the role of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team in addressing return to work goals for individuals who have sustained traumatic brain injury, stroke, and spinal cord injury. Practical intervention strategies, job accommodations, and case examples will be discussed using Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals’ Work Re-entry Program as a model.
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Laundry Visual Checklist

November 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
This material provides simple pictures and instructions to support those with cognitive deficits with completing laundry tasks.
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Physical Activity After Transient Ischemic Attack or Mild Stroke Is Business as Usual (2022)

October 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
A TIA is often described as a mini stroke or a short lived ischemic stroke causing temporary neurologic deficit. Often, these strokes cause no residual effects after incidence. Due to this, there is rarely referral for rehabilitation services and patients are discharged home directly from the hospital. Past research has determined that the risk of […]
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Visual Scanning Worksheets

October 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Practice visual scanning skills with three different levels of difficulty using this this therapy material.
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