The purpose of this case series was to 1) investigate the perceived experience of patients attending outpatient hand therapy for symptomatic thumb CMC joint osteoarthritis (OA) when they engaged in occupation-based interventions to practice joint protection techniques and 2) examine the impact on pain and self-reported functional status when occupation-based interventions are included with common […]
This piece provides clinicians with written instructions to utilize when administering the 9-Hole Peg Test or hand dynamometer to individuals with hard of hearing.
Frustrated by repeat patients who never seem to maintain their gains from therapy? This interactive course will examine the role of health behaviors in the effective management of chronic conditions. Using the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change as a guiding framework, we will identify stages of behavior change and target interventions to specific stages. Self-reflection […]
This presentation explains how to reverse insulin resistance naturally with sustainable lifestyle changes. Topics discussed include: A detailed discussion of macronutrients including different types of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats; how to use time-restricted feeding to lower insulin; the best types of exercise to lower insulin; a discussion of sleep, stress, and toxins as they relate […]
57 participants were randomized into the treatment group (n=38) and the control group (n=19). 7 participants dropped out of the treatment group and 3 participants dropped out of the control group with 46 participants completing the study. Participants were 50 years or older living in the community with knee OA and reported knee pain at […]