
An Introduction to Discourse Analysis and Discourse-Level Treatment for Aphasia

January 22, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This course is designed to serve as an introduction to different types of discourse analyses that can be performed when working with people with aphasia. Emphasis will also be placed on discourse-level treatment approaches, and how a focus on discourse analysis and treatment can be applied using a Life Participation Approach to Aphasia.
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Beat the Beat: Rhythm-Based Intervention for Communication Disorders

January 19, 2022 by Megan Berg.
There is a growing body of evidence indicating connections between music and language abilities. Functional neuroimaging allows us to study the relations more systematically. This course was designed to offer an overview of the research in this emerging discipline, and a sample of the variety of applications for speech/language interventions of clinical and aging populations.
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A Deeper Dive Into Discourse-Level Analysis and Treatment for Aphasia

January 18, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This course is designed to walk participants through the process of collecting, transcribing, and scoring a language sample for a variety of discourse analyses that can be performed when working with people with aphasia. Discourse-level treatment protocols will also be reviewed, with specific examples given of how these protocols can be utilized to meet clients’ […]
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Incorporating Principles of Neuroplasticity Into Aphasia Treatment Design

January 17, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The brain has an amazing ability to adapt after injury. This course will review principles of neuroplasticity and their application to aphasia intervention. This discussion will be placed in the larger context of best practices in aphasia management with consideration for how speech-language pathologists can facilitate improved communication and life participation for adults with aphasia.
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Effect of Text-to-Speech Rate on Reading Comprehension by Adults with Aphasia (2020)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This study aimed to evaluate the accuracy and preference of adults with chronic aphasia during a simultaneous reading and listening to a computer-generated voice with three different speaking rates. The second part of the study evaluated the PWA’s time to review the written material after the combined auditory and written presentation. There were 25 participants […]
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Effects of Verb Network Strengthening Treatment on Sound-Level and Speech Production Errors in Individuals With Aphasia and Acquired Apraxia of Speech (2021)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
It is common for individuals with left hemisphere strokes to have aphasia, but they can also have a dual diagnosis of A-AOS and aphasia. VNeST has been shown to improve the generalization of lexical retrieval of untrained words across the hierarchy of language tasks. The VNeST protocol targets activation of semantic, lexical, and syntax between […]
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Identification of Word Retrieval Difficulties in the Normally Aging Population (2021)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Many studies compare the word-finding speeds of younger and older populations of people. Younger populations typically outperform category listing tasks, but the aging population does better with word generation for a specific letter. It is interesting because generating words for a category requires semantic retrieval, but generating a phoneme requires non-meaningful generation. The semantic retrieval […]
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Speech and Language Therapy Approaches to Managing Primary Progressive Aphasia (2020)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
There are three variants, including the semantic variant, the nonfluent variant, and the logopenic variant. Each variant has unique linguistic deficits because of various areas of the brain being affected. The nonfluent and logopenic variants are often easier to diagnose than the semantic variant because they are occasionally misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s disease. The semantic variant […]
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Auditory, Phonological, and Semantic Factors in the Recovery From Wernicke’s Aphasia Poststroke: Predictive Value and Implications for Rehabilitation (2019)

January 14, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Neuroimaging studies have identified the left temporoparietal areas are responsible for auditory-phonological processing, phonological short-term memory, and semantics. WA is most commonly caused by strokes in the left mid posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG), superior temporal sulcus (STS), and the underlying white matter. People with chronic WA demonstrate impairments with detecting and analyzing auditory stimuli […]
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Depression in Poststroke Aphasia (2020)

January 13, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Poststroke depression is poorly understood; it is estimated that about 60% of individuals with aphasia have depression at some point during their stroke recovery. Often individuals with aphasia are excluded from research studies because of the inability to complete self-reported questionnaires frequently used for depression assessment procedures. Individuals with aphasia represent a high-risk population who […]
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