Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.

Therapy Material

Cooking Tasks: Emphasizing Upper Body Strengthening

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This resource focuses on the use of cooking as a means to improve upper body strength, including a chart of different cooking activities and the areas targeted, as well as many ideas for foods/meals to prepare during individual or group therapy sessions to improve strength.
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Therapy Material

Conversational Turn Taking Cards for Group Sessions

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
Initiating conversations between school-aged children can be difficult during group therapy. Conversation becomes a challenge when children cannot think of things to say. This resource can be used by therapists, educators, and families who are working with school-aged children on conversational turn-taking tasks.
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Continuum of Post-Acute Rehabilitation Care

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPCaregiver Supports
This handout describes five different levels of post-acute rehabilitation care: long-term acute care hospital, inpatient rehabilitation facility, skilled nursing facility, home healthcare, and outpatient, what type of person would benefit from each level, and average length of stay.
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Therapy Material

Constraint-Induced Language Therapy (CILT) Task: Organizing a Workspace

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
This task is designed for speech-language pathologists working with people on functional vocabulary and conversation using the constraint-induced language therapy model. Patients are challenged to place objects in a workspace according to how they are described.
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Therapy Material

Constraint-Induced Language Therapy (CILT) Task: Building a Garden

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
Constraint induced language therapy relies on solely verbal communication, avoiding the use of compensatory strategies such as gesturing, drawing, writing, etc. The two tasks included in this product force patients to use only verbal language to accurately place plants in a garden.
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Therapy Material

Consonant-Vowel Snowglobe Activity

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
Snowglobe with CV, VC, CVC, and CVCV syllable shapes: Fill the snow globe with word “snowballs” to practice various syllable shapes for children who are learning to put sounds together to form words.
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Clinical Reference

Considerations When Creating a Feeding and Swallowing Clinical Team

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
Based on the course Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Clinic: Team Considerations for Implementation by Pam Holland, MA-CCC/SLP, BCS-S, this handout provides a list of considerations to consider when assembling an interdisciplinary feeding and swallowing clinical team.
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Considerations and Strategies for Caregiver Assisted Feeding

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Providing feeding assistance may seem like a simple task, but there are many considerations to follow, so the person swallows safely. This handout will explain the considerations and strategies to make mealtime an enjoyable experience for the person receiving feeding assistance.
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Clinical Reference

Considerations and Contraindications for Tracheostomy Weaning

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
The decision to begin the tracheostomy weaning process is a complicated decision for the speech pathologist and the medical team. This handout provides a clinical judgement decision tree considerations, contraindications, and a guideline for the stages of the trach weaning process.
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Conservative Treatments for Osteoarthritis

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout describes the various conservative treatments for osteoarthritis, including therapy interventions, pain management, physical activity, diet/nutrition, and self-management.
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Congestive Heart Failure

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPCardiovascular Disease
Congestive heart failure can be an overwhelming diagnosis to understand, as it requires a lifetime of healthy choices, management, and monitoring. This client handout includes an overview of what to expect when you are diagnosed with CHF, a guideline for healthy lifestyle choices that can reduce exacerbations, and a description of heart failure zones.
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Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
Confabulation is related to memory impairment and can be present when a person has damage to the frontal lobe of their brain. A person may distort, fabricate, or misinterpret information to “fill the gaps” of knowledge they cannot recall. This handout provides further education about confabulation symptoms and what to do when a person presents with confabulation.
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Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
A handout describing the anatomy and symptoms of a concussion, treatment and rehabilitation options, and recent research. Improves a client’s understanding of the diagnosis and the role of rehabilitation in their recovery, especially in cases with post-concussion syndrome and lingering symptoms.
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Compensatory Strategies for Impaired Executive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) typically results in cognitive impairment impacting organizing and planning. This intervention guide provides information on two pragmatic cognitive compensatory strategies (Eisenhower Box and the ABODES method) that OTs can use with their clients to help them plan daily or weekly activities to manage neurofatigue and maintain independence.
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Comparison Table for Types of Dementia

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Dementia is a broad term used to describe subtypes of this disease. This table provides information about four subtypes Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia, Lewy Body disease (Parkinson’s disease dementia), and Frontal Lobe dementia (Pick’s disease). This table has the symptoms organized by speech/language, memory, executive functions, swallowing, physical symptoms, and mood/emotions.
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Therapy Material

Compare and Contrast Activity (Summer Theme)

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
Comparing and contrasting concepts and objects is a higher-level language skill that helps children develop an understanding of similarities and differences. This activity uses fun, engaging vocabulary associated with summer time to work on this specific language skill.
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Communication Techniques for Dementia

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
Training caregivers in the skills needed for successful daily living for individuals with dementia can be difficult. Burnout, frustration, and lack of understanding of the disease process can reduce outcomes and quality of life for those with dementia. This handout includes a high-level overview of the best practices for communication with those with dementia, in an easy to read format for caregiver education.
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Eval Tool

Communication Precautions Form

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPAphasiaBrain Injury
This form is designed for therapists to share communication precautions to nursing, physician, therapy, and kitchen staff.
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Commonly Used Behavioral Strategies in Feeding Therapy

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
This quick reference is designed for therapists, parents, and caregivers working with children with experientially-based feeding disorders.
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Clinical Reference Eval Tool

Common Provocation Tests for the Shoulder With Listed Sensitivity and Specificity

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
This resource is designed to provide the busy clinician with a reference for which special tests are useful for three commonly encountered shoulder pathologies by providing sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive values, and positive predictive values for shoulder special tests.
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