Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.

Eval Tool

Quick, Informal Assessment of Prosody

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultSLPAphasiaMotor Speech/Dysarthria/Apraxia
Assessment of motor speech disorders can be lengthy as it should include obtaining case history, assessing a patient’s level of awareness, non-speech examination, speech production examination, as well as determining if there are comorbidities. This material provides a way to assess the characteristics of prosody.
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Clinical Reference

Motivational Interviewing and Occupational Therapy

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTMental Health
Motivational interviewing is a therapeutic style of communication designed to help people resolve ambivalent feelings and insecurities to find the internal motivation they need to change their behavior. This handout provides a brief overview of motivational interviewing techniques and highlights the key concepts to help occupational therapists elicit behavior change talk with their clients. 
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Motivational Interviewing for SLPs

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPMental Health
This handout describes the evidence base behind the practice of motivational interviewing, frequently used by rehabilitation therapists to help fine-tune goals and achieve mutual buy-in for the rehabilitation process between the clinician and the patient. The handout is designed for clinicians, staff, family, caregivers, and patients to help understand the process of motivational interviewing and how this process advances the rehabilitation goals.
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Clinical Reference

Motivating a Reluctant Client

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTSLPMental Health
Provides ideas to empower clients who are reluctant or unmotivated for therapeutic intervention using a motivational interviewing approach as it relates directly to rehabilitation, and provides examples of documenting this in treatment notes.
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Therapy Material

Modified Story Memory Technique

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultSLPBrain Injury
The most common cause of memory failure occurs due to breakdown in the encoding stage of creating a new memory. The modified Story Memory Technique (mSMT) is a technique developed and researched by the Kessler Foundation to treat memory deficits, specifically targeting the encoding stage, following brain injury. Using context and imagery, their research and implementation of this technique have shown to have significant improvements with a person’s functional recall as well as an increased activation of different parts of the brain.
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Therapy Material

Morning ADL Training Session/OT Shower Room Signs

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
Often times an occupational therapist will schedule a shower or morning ADL session with an individual and find out the person is already dressed or had a shower from staff. This handout offers 2 room signs that can be posted to alert staff not to complete the activity, and provide a visual reminder for the patient.
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Therapy Material

Modeling Language with AAC

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPAACLanguage Development
This therapy intervention task is designed for pediatric clinicians working with children to use AAC devices to effectively communicate wants, needs, and ideas. The printable resource includes a PDF with instructions on how to model language using AAC and includes a quick practice board with the words “want,” “go,” “stop,” “help,” “turn,” and “more.”
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Mindfulness for SLPs: Post-Work Stress and Burnout

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
As SLPs, we bear witness to dramatic change in people’s lives. This consistently high demand for empathy and compassion puts SLPs and other healthcare professionals on a fast track to burnout. This mindfulness exercise is designed to counter the idea that you’re not enough and to provide a boundary between your work time and your home time.
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Mindfulness for SLPs: Before Going Into Work

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Productivity standards, facility politics, patient-family dynamics, and the sheer weight of almost constant conversation and connection with people on a daily basis can mean we sometimes wake up and think… I’m not sure I can get through this day. This mindfulness exercise is designed to allow your mind, body, and soul to rest and re-center, generating renewed energy to offer compassion, grace, and empathy to those we serve.
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Mindfulness for SLPs: Before a Care Conference

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Therapists are often are left in charge of informing patients and their families of significant cognitive impairments. Often, there is denial, anger, sadness, loss, and shock that comes, unfortunately many times targeted at the messenger. This mindfulness exercise is designed to allow you the space to advocate for patients’ independence and freedom of choice.
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Mindfulness Exercise for SLPs: The Paradox of Grief and Transformation

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This mindfulness exercise is designed for SLPs working in rehabilitation environments where patients are experiencing grief following a significant change in their lives. The exercise is designed to bring mindfulness to the process of transformation that can only occur through the doorway of grief.
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Mindfulness Exercise for SLPs: Motivational Interviewing

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This exercise ties into the book Motivational Interviewing in Health Care: Helping Patients Change Behavior. Motivational interviewing is a practice that you can mindfully incorporate into your daily therapy routine. This exercise can ultimately lead to a better relationship between you and your patients with higher levels of self-motivation and participation in the rehabilitation process.
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Mindfulness Exercise for SLPs: In the Face of Resistance

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This exercise is intended to provide the frame of mind you need in order to face and embrace resistance within a rehab therapy setting. It is best suited for a one-on-one session when you are addressing a change in status (e.g., stroke, brain injury, diagnosis) that has led to the need for change (e.g., using memory strategies, establishing a payee, giving up driving, etc).
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Mindfulness Exercise for SLPs: Making the Most Generous Assumptions

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This exercise is intended to provide a space in which to envision how we can extend the most generous assumptions of those we work with, while also establishing boundaries that prevent resentment, misunderstanding, and judgement.
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Mindfulness Exercise for SLPs: Aphasia Awareness

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This exercise is intended to do two things: 1) Provide awareness about the existence of aphasia and how people can be most helpful when meeting someone with aphasia and 2) provide clinicians with a mindful perspective about what it means to be unable to communicate for a short period of time.
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Breathing Techniques for People with Lung Impairments

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This resource includes several different types of breathing techniques and simple mindfulness practices that can improve a client’s breathing and awareness.
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Mild Cognitive Impairment

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout explains this diagnosis in general terms and provide some lifestyle suggestions to help MCI.
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Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultChronic Pain
Migraine headaches can cause significant pain and suffering for people who experience them. You may wonder how migraines may be treated in a therapy setting and what the evidence supports for reducing the impact of migraines. This handout outlines some non pharmacological treatment options and strategies that may help with migraines.
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