Members: FAQ

Snail mail issues

I never received my order in the mail.

Report missing mail to us.

Printing issues

I can’t print / It prints weird / It’s not in color / The page is cut off / The edge is cut off / Etc

Use our interactive trouble-shooting guide. If the guide doesn’t help, there’s a way to contact us about a specific issue.

Please contact your local IT assistant for help with printing. All printers are different and rely on vastly different networks and connections. While we would love to help you troubleshoot, we probably won’t be able to unless we’re in the same room as the printer and you. Some common problems and solutions include:

  • Edges are cut off: Select “fit to page” in print settings.
  • It won’t print: Check your printer connection.
  • It’s not in color: Ensure “color” is selected in the print settings before printing.
  • It’s printing the page enlarged on multiple pages: Select “fit to page” in print settings.

I need to download the file so I can edit it.

We do not allow file download or editing due to copyright of our materials. We are always happy to assist with any customizations you may need. Just reach out to us-

Account issues

I can’t login.

Please contact us at, or use our contact form.

I forgot my password.

Use the “forgot password” feature on login or contact us at, or use our contact form. If you are unable to find your password reset email, please check your spam filter.

Subscription questions

How do I cancel my subscription?

  1. Go to your account page (log in if needed).
  2. Click on Subscriptions.
  3. Find the subscription you want to cancel and click cancel.

How do I swap my subscription?

Please contact us at, or use our contact form.

You charged me without notification.

We send notification emails 3 days before cards are charged. Please rescue us from your spam folder. Contact us any time to discuss your subscription.

I never received a confirmation email.

We send order confirmation emails as well as instructional emails about how to access all materials after you sign up. Please rescue us from your spam folder.

Terms of use questions

Can I share these resources?

Yes, you may print as many copies as you need, as long as this is for patient and staff education only. You many not share these files with other professionals except as expressly permitted by a written statement from Therapy Insights.

File download issues

I bought a bunch of files a while back and I can’t find them.

We discontinued file download support on February 12, 2022. Multiple emails were sent to all current and previous customers between November 2021 and February 22, 2022 alerting customers of this change and offering download assistance prior to the end of our file download support. Our model has shifted towards on-demand print access and we no longer provide file download support. Contact us at if you would like to discuss further.