
Functional Time Management

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Time management is an important and complex executive functioning skill that impacts the ability to navigate day to day life. This therapy material works on addressing time management skills that may be difficult for individuals with cognitive deficits, in a meaningful and relevant way.
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Functional Oral Motor Exercises using Foods/Liquids

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Feeding therapists may use certain tools for oral motor exercises prior to or in conjunction with eating. When these tools aren’t accessible or available, food and drink can be used in functional activities to meet oral motor development goals. This resource contains quick and functional exercises using various food items to improve the strength, coordination, and mobility needed for safe eating.
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Functional Fine Motor Tasks

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Addressing fine motor coordination can often feel tedious, and rote fine motor training during treatment may feel as if it comes at the expense of addressing other skills. This session material is full of functional ideas for fine motor coordination training to incorporate into treatment sessions that also address a client’s level of function in other areas, and examples of how many daily tasks use fine motor skills.
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Food Group Sorting Activity

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Feeding therapy often targets goals to increase a child’s comprehension and knowledge of food groups and nutrition based on their age. Visuals help children understand concepts better, and examining images of food may improve tolerance to interacting with the actual food. This activity offers an opportunity to learn about food groups and specific items in each group to promote balanced eating.
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Food Diary for Home Carryover

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
When a child participates in feeding therapy, carryover to the home and other settings is imperative for generalization (i.e., using skills outside of therapy). Tracking what is offered to the child and what the child accepts is a great place to start using this handy diary.
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Following Directions Task (Using iPad or iPhone)

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This structured therapy task targets auditory comprehension and the ability to follow directions through a series of verbal instructions that walks a patient through completing various functional tasks on an iPad or iPhone.
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Finding Medication Box Errors Set #2

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
For this activity, the patient will need to read the directions for each medication to know how often it should be taken. Then the patient will need to notice errors with the medication box which requires good attention and visual reasoning. This task could also be used for a visual scanning activity. Features realistic medication labels and 2 different pages with different challenges.
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Finding Housing: Navigating Housing Ads

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Many cognitive-linguistic skills are used when determining the best choice for housing when a person is looking at the market available. In this housing ad activity, a person must determine which type of housing to pick based on specific preferences the buyer has given as well as answer questions related to compromises that have to be made.
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Find The Word Picture Scene (Teletherapy Friendly)

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This fun activity helps to keep the child engaged when practicing speech sounds. Pointing to and naming pictures in this scene is also a great way to work on vocabulary. Includes /s/, /l/, and /r/ sounds.
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Find the Hidden /R/ Activity

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This seek-and-find articulation activity targets /r/ in all positions of words and can be used in structured speech therapy sessions or for daily practice carryover at home with parents and caregivers.
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