
Intrinsic Hand Strengthening

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides exercises and activities to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the hand to improve grip and pinch strength and fine motor coordination. This handout can be used as a modifiable home exercise program for any patient with weak or impaired hand functioning.
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Internal Memory Strategy: Mnemonics

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This therapy task is for adults wanting to improve their memory after traumatic brain injury. The worksheet is designed to provide the building blocks necessary to use the mnemonic memory strategy to recall functional lists, such as names, locations, and goals.
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Exercises for Acute Neck Pain

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This document is a perfect handout after an initial evaluation or consultation for someone with neck pain. The document describes a general method for managing neck pain at home.
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Interactive Book: Summer Themed Vocabulary

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Sitting down to read a whole book can be a tough challenge for some kiddos! This interactive book provides a fun way to engage with a quick, easy read that targets summertime vocabulary. Easily cut and fold book in less than a minute, then place target vocabulary words in the book as you read (using tape) and watch the words come to life!
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Instructions for Acute Low Back Pain

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Nearly everyone will experience low back pain at some time. This handout provides instructions that may be helpful for individuals who have mild low back pain. It is an ideal sheet for clinicians to give after consultations and follows methods popularized by Robin McKenzie.
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Incorporating Plants and Gardening into OT

December 27, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Includes three OT interventions that incorporate plants and gardening into treatment sessions. Using complex, real-world interests that a person is genuinely invested in can improve performance in the specific treatment areas you are targeting, as well as the intrinsic motivation and satisfaction of the individual.
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Ice Cream Syllables

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Saying words with two or more syllables is challenging for children with articulation or phonological disorders, or apraxia of speech. This worksheet provides opportunity for practicing these words in therapy and at home.
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Home Exercise Program Tracking Sheet

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This printable tracking sheet helps clients track their carry-over of trained exercise programs and provides a discussion point during follow-up therapy sessions. It is broken up into space that provides room to track three different exercises across one week.
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Hidden Scene: Find the /L/ Words!

December 26, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This speech therapy activity targets the /l/ sound. Search this busy, colorful page for all the words that start with L!
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