
Valentine’s Day Activity Pack

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Valentine’s Day brings lots of fun vocabulary and language for children to learn and use! This multi-activity pack provides therapy materials to use during this fun holiday.
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Valentine’s Language Activities for Kids

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The first activity challenges kids to match Valentine-related vocabulary words to pictures by connecting them with lines. The second activity invites them to write a “letter of love,” and is a great opportunity to work on general writing skills, spelling, syntax, vocabulary, and social skills.
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Using Maps for Language Recovery

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This utilizes maps for different functional language activities targeting verbal expression, auditory comprehension, reading comprehension, and written expression. Includes a basic map and a more advanced map to serve different cognitive levels.
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Unilateral Neglect Task: Matching Pictures to Movie Titles

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Features 9 pictures from classic movies with written movie titles. Cut out each box, place the pictures on the right side and the titles on the left. This task is designed to target bi-lateral visual attention for patients experiencing unilateral neglect.
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Two Language Tasks for Constraint-Induced Language Therapy (CILT)

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Constraint-induced language therapy relies on solely verbal communication, avoiding the use of compensatory strategies such as gesturing, drawing, writing, etc. The two tasks included in this product force patients to use only verbal language to either A) put pictures of objects in a particular order, or B) place objects in the correct location within a blank scene.
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Identifying Negation

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This task includes two pages of visual sets, challenging children to select which image does not fit.
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The /s/ Spider

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This sssssspecial spider is designed to address the /s/sound in structured therapy. 6 of the spider’s legs feature vowel sounds to provide a visual and tactile way for a child to participate in syllable practice.
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Techniques for Achieving the /R/ Sound

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The /r/ sound is notoriously considered to be one of the most difficult phonemes in the English language to articulate. This is a resource for therapists, parents, and caregivers who are looking for ideas to help their children achieve /r/ production—specifically in the initial position of single syllable words.
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