
Tabletop Dysphagia Cue Cards

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
These handy dysphagia cue cards are designed to be discretely placed at dining tables to remind patients of dysphagia precautions. The cue cards feature a graphic of swallow anatomy/physiology and have blank spaces for SLPs to include specific personalized swallow strategies. Looking for this resource in Italian? Find it here.
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Strategies to Develop Receptive and Expressive Language Skills with Children Who Use AAC

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Many families find it difficult to support the communicative needs of their little ones who depend on AAC for participation in activities of daily living. This resource is for therapists, parents, caregivers, and educators who are seeking ideas and activities to build receptive and expressive language skills with their children who use aided AAC.
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Support Cards for Individuals with Dementia

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
These business-card sized wallet cards provide information about the dementia severity, ways to support communication and daily activities, and important personal information about the person with dementia.
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Strategies to Decrease Echolalia and Support Spontaneous Language

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Do you have a patient whose main form of expressive language is characterized by echolalia? Is that patient able to produce or “echo” back extremely complex sentences or phrases but is unable to produce their own spontaneous responses within therapy activities and in conversation? This document outlines some basic strategies to use during therapy to […]
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Strategies for Managing Dysarthria

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Unfortunately, the evidence base for resolving dysarthria is lacking. Intervention continues to focus on compensatory strategies. This handout describes why dysarthria occurs as well as specific compensatory strategies to manage the motor speech impairment.
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Picky Eating: Plate Rotation

January 3, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout is written in accessible language for families and caregivers and provides instructions on how to use plate rotation at home as a strategy to increase diversity of food intake for their children.
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Pediatric Selective Mutism: Strategies to Achieve Voicing and to Increase Mean Length of Utterance

January 2, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Signs of selective mutism may be evident during early childhood. The disorder can continue into adulthood with increasing severity if left untreated. These activities may be used with children in the home, school, or clinical setting to help reduce anxiety, and to increase opportunities for global communication for improved socialization.
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One Handed Dressing Techniques for Hemiplegia

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout includes visual and written guides on one handed shoe tying, how to don a button down shirt, and use of a button hook to improve independence after hemiplegia.
This content is only available to members.