This document is a quick reference for commonly used outcome measures for older individuals to determine if they have risk of falling. The document outlines what measures are best supported and outlines the sensitivity and specificity of the risk of falls in the next year.
This reference provides the clinician an overview of the California Tri Pull Taping method and how to apply the technique to an individual with a subluxed shoulder.
Dive into the evidence-base indicating lack of strong support for nonspeech oral motor exercises to address speech sound production for patients with dysarthria or apraxia of speech.
This resource provides a broad outline for how to implement a fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and/or pediatric inpatient setting.
This resource provides discussion points and supportive ways to discuss race, culture, and gender in therapy sessions with both clients and their parents/caregivers.