
What is Heterotopic Ossification?

May 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Although heterotopic ossification is rare, it can significantly impact care and return to a prior level of function. This document is meant as a resource for patients.
This content is only available to members.

Cough…Is it Strong Enough?

May 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource explains the physiological process of a cough, how to measure cough strength, and why an adequate peak expiratory flow rate is important.
This content is only available to members.


April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers ways to work on child-rearing skills in functional therapy.
This content is only available to members.

Gardening with OT

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource covers ways to incorporate gardening into functional therapy.
This content is only available to members.

Comparing a Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study and Esophagram

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
A Videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) and esophagram are helpful tools for evaluating a person’s swallowing function. This handout explains the similarities and differences to help determine which one may be more appropriate.
This content is only available to members.