
Screening for Proprioceptive Deficits

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This screening tool provides a simple assessment and score sheet in order to detect deficits in proprioception. Multiple methods of testing are included.
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Sciatic Nerve Glides

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Nerve pain down the leg can be challenging to treat, especially if the pain cannot be reduced directly with low back related postures or movements. In these cases, sciatic nerve glides may be the best option to encourage gentle movement of the nerves that course into the lower part of the lower back. This intervention piece outlines how to perform sciatic nerve glides.
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Scar Management Techniques

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Scars can be a painful, uncomfortable, unsightly area of concern for many clients after an injury. Scar management can be an important part of recovery, and understanding various types of scar management and empowering your client to participate with this part of daily self care is integral to regaining independence.
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Scapular Dyskinesis: Conscious Muscle Control and Mass Movement Patterns

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Impaired scapular movement is commonly associated with shoulder dysfunction. This handout provides three of the top conscious muscle control exercises to properly orient the scapula for improved posture, increased stabilization, and improved rotation during functional movement of the shoulder. This handout also provides mass movement patterns to improve scapular range of motion for functional reaching patterns.
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Sarcopenic Dysphagia

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Sarcopenic dysphagia is often underestimated and under-diagnosed within the elderly population. A multidisciplinary team is necessary to diagnose and treat sarcopenia and sarcopenic dysphagia. This handout provides more information about how to manage this disorder.
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Sahrmann’s Lower Abdominal Exercises

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Do you have patients who need a lower abdominal exercise program? This handout provides an explanation of Shirley Sahrmann’s abdominal progression. All phases of the exercise are listed here so that you can select the difficulty of the exercise and allow patients to progress on their own if needed.
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Saint Patrick’s Day Story + Scavenger Hunt

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout addresses vocabulary, sentence building, utterance length, and social interaction. Have fun searching for Saint Patrick’s Day themed images while sharing the history of this celebrated holiday!
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S-Blend Board Game

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Looking for a way to get repetition practice of s-blends? This fun, winter-themed board game can be played with any set of dice. Roll a number, move the correct amount of spaces, and practice the s-blend on the landing spot. This prints out as two pages and can be taped together to provide a large visual that is fun and interactive for speech therapy practice.
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Rotator Cuff Tear

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout aims to educate clients on the anatomy of the rotator cuff and explains how, where, and why rotator cuff tears happen.
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Rotator Cuff Dysfunction

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Rotator cuff related dysfunction is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. This handout outlines factors that may contribute to the development of rotator cuff related shoulder pain, expected recovery times, evidence-based treatment, and when surgery may be indicated.
This content is only available to members.