
Swallow Screening Protocols for Traumatic Brain Injury

December 31, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource provides a quick-reference guide for basic swallow screening in traumatic brain injury patients, emphasizing patient-centered care and collaborative decision-making. It highlights screening limitations and offers guidance on when additional assessment may be needed.
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Beyond Shortbread and Applesauce: Dysphagia Evals That Honor Culture, Religion, and Personal Preferences

September 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
Use this guide to explore important cultural factors that may influence your dysphagia evaluation. It includes a food preferences intake form, religious and cultural considerations, and practical tips for collaborating with colleagues to incorporate culturally preferred foods within facilities. Designed to support a holistic approach, this resource helps you honor each patient’s unique background and provide more personalized care.
This content is only available to members.

The Cranial Nerves and the Swallow

July 4, 2024 by Megan Berg.
This visual handout describes the function of each cranial nerve related to swallow and what can be expected if this nerve is damaged.
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PROs and PROMs for Dysphagia Treatment

June 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
These dysphagia-related patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) guide therapy sessions toward a more person-centered approach for dysphagia treatment. This packet includes the Dysphagia Handicap Index (DHI), the M.D. Anderson Dysphagia Inventory (MDADI), the Swallowing Disturbance Questionnaire, and the EAT-10.
This content is only available to members.

Comparing a Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study and Esophagram

April 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
A Videofluoroscopic swallow study (VFSS) and esophagram are helpful tools for evaluating a person’s swallowing function. This handout explains the similarities and differences to help determine which one may be more appropriate.
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The Dysphagia Outcome Severity Scale (DOSS)

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The Dysphagia Outcome Severity Scale (DOSS) is a scale studied and created at Hartford Hospital to systematically improve functional rating severity of dysphagia following an objective swallowing evaluation. This resource provides information regarding the scale and how to determine which level accurately describes a person’s swallowing function.
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Oral Mech Exam Visual Cards

January 1, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Completing an oral mech exam with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, or while wearing a mask or other PPE can be a challenge. These 3×5 inch cards can be cut, laminated, and used to guide the patient through the steps of the oral mech exam. Clean thoroughly between use, or print a fresh copy for each test.
This content is only available to members.