This handout for educating clients and caregivers includes common pain points for those newly managing COPD. Training includes what COPD is, basic energy conservation, pacing, and task simplification with ADL and home management examples, how to manage oxygen tubing, and incorporating a daily exercise routine.
This handout describes the link between CPAP use and cognitive functions. The handout includes two research studies and a clear outline of how sleep affects specific cognitive functions.
Diaphragmatic breathing is an effective intervention to reduce stress and manage symptoms associated with many conditions. This handout describes the proper way of breathing, compensatory muscles used during inefficient breathing, and provides a guide to teach clients how to use their diaphragm properly.
Do you have trouble remembering all of the contraindications and precautions for treatments? Do you ever find an abnormal blood pressure or oxygen saturation level and question whether your initial treatment plan is still appropriate? This document provides a contraindication and precaution cheat to help guide clinician’s clinical reasoning.
There are still so many unanswered questions about how the COVID-19 virus affects some people after recovering. There are some known neurological and cognitive symptoms that can last long after being infected with COVID-19. Working with a speech-language pathologist can improve cognitive changes with attention, concentration, short-term memory, word-finding, and cognitive fatigue.
Many patients diagnosed with COPD struggle with swallowing. This is frequently related to the coordination of respiration and swallowing. This handout outlines what COPD is and how it affects swallowing. It includes several strategies for patients to try that are aimed at improving this coordination and reducing signs/symptoms of dysphagia.