
Thought Record Worksheet

May 31, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
This is an activity that the OT practitioner can complete with their client or provide as homework to help clients recognize the relationship and influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. McManus, F., Van Doorn, K., & Yiend, J. (2012). Examining the effects of thought records and behavioral experiments in instigating belief change. Journal of Behavior Therapy […]
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Fear of Falling and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout functions as a worksheet that can be completed with the patient to identify catastrophic thinking patterns related to fear of falling, leading to avoidance behavior. This worksheet helps patients question their own thoughts and identify potential strategies to minimize faulty thinking and fear of falling avoidance behavior.
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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Strategies for Anxiety

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides a brief, step-by-step plan to address anxiety using a cognitive behavior therapy approach. Brief ideas for how to address each step of the plan during an occupational therapy session are included.
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy + Occupational Therapy

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides an overview of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and concerns that it can help address. This handout also dispels some of the myths around CBT and provides some strengths of this approach.
This content is only available to members.