Data collection during early AAC introduction is vital in supporting language acquisition as well as to help determine the most appropriate communication system. This form provides a comprehensive data form for providers to use when introducing AAC to early communicators.
Improving peer engagement for children using AAC is a vital goal in fostering social relationships among peers, validating communication efforts, and improving overall quality of life. This handout provides a synopsis of interventions as well as sample areas to target for clinicians and educators.
Literacy, the ability to read and write, is an essential skill for academic success in individuals with disabilities especially those utilizing AAC as a primary means of communication. This resource summarizes how to support AAC users in early literacy development.
Parents and caregivers are the initial teachers of communication skills to young children. Children who require augmentative and alternative communication to support language require additional support from caregivers to acquire the language as well as access the language within their system to functionally communicate.
Early introduction to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an evidence-based intervention for children at risk for developing speech and language delays secondary to medical complexity. This handout provides information related to the importance of early introduction to AAC to aid the development of language skills.