This handout provides the evidence base for the effortful swallow as well as information for when this strategy may be useful and how to successfully complete it.
This handout describes what a stroke is and visually distinguishes the difference between an ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Contains information about trans-ischemic attacks, signs/symptoms of stroke, and causes of stroke.
This handout includes accessible, evidence-based information about how stress affects cognition and features 30 simple strategies to try that may help reduce stress. It is particularly designed for patients and families in the midst of rehabilitation after traumatic events.
Handout illustrating the cognitive-linguistic scope of practice for speech-language pathologists. This handout describes a brief history of the field and breaks down the following cognitive-linguistic therapy targets: Initiation, anticipation, sequencing, impulse control, attention, memory, planning, organization, problem solving, visuospatial processing.
This handout is for patients who are experiencing complications after treatment for head and neck cancer. The handout describes the condition of trismus, its causes and effects on the patient, as well as massages, exercises, and stretches to use in therapy.
This handout describes the particular challenges of sialorrhea, or excessive salivation, brought on by various conditions in the adult population. The first page describes the condition and its causes. The second page offers an explanation of treatment options.