This therapy task is designed to target functional kitchen vocabulary. Includes a full page picture of a kitchen with tasks to target auditory comprehension, expressive language, reading comprehension, and written expression. Includes vocabulary words and carrier phrases. A highly versatile therapy task material that can be targeted to reach a variety of language levels during structured language therapy tasks for people with aphasia.
Does aspiration = pneumonia? Maybe. This handout is designed to help SLPs navigate this complex conversation with patients who are at risk of dysphagia. The handout breaks down the evidence base of three variables and how they stack up to different risks. This provides a clear visual as to how a healthy immune system and quality, consistent oral care may be a strong avenue to prevent aspiration pneumonia, even in the presence of aspiration risk.
This handout describes joint protection techniques and data related to arthritis diagnoses. Includes education in nutrition, lifestyle, activity, body, and movement to serve as an educational and training material to use during OT intervention.
Rheumatoid arthritis can be a debilitating condition. This handout provides a generalized exercise plan to get someone with RA started with exercises that have a low likelihood of increasing pain.
This handout provides exercises and activities to strengthen the intrinsic muscles of the hand to improve grip and pinch strength and fine motor coordination. This handout can be used as a modifiable home exercise program for any patient with weak or impaired hand functioning.
Intracranial Hemorrhages can lead to both cognitive and physical deficits in which therapy is recommended. This handout explains the difference between different types of intracranial hemorrhages including epidural, intracerebral, subarachnoid, and subdural for educating patients and their caregivers.
This document provides insight and guidelines for appropriate goals and interventions for someone with Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). The document focuses principles of treatment during the acute stage and later stages of Recovery from GBS or an acute exacerbation of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP).