
Saliva Anatomy and Function

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Saliva is necessary for supporting swallowing, digestion, and teeth protection. Three salivary glands produce one to two liters of the body’s daily saliva.Video on how to use this resource:Nascimento, D., Carmona, J., Mestre, T., Ferreira, J. J., & Guimarães, I. (2021). Drooling rating scales in Parkinson’s disease: A systematic review. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 91, […]
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Spaced Retrieval

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This material describes the spaced-retrieval memory technique and how to complete it.
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WH- Questions Flashcards

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
These double sided cards can be used as a fun and interactive resource when targeting wh- questions.
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Help Me Tell You What I Want: Decisional Capacity, Neurogenic Speech and Language Impairments, and the Law (2018)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
The article explained two terms, competence and decisional capacity, and how they are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Competence is the formal court adjudication regarding a person’s right to decide for themselves. Decisional capacity is the working, practical extralegal clinical judgment about a person’s ability to make autonomous choices about a specific matter during a particular […]
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A Non-Traditional Fluency Program Developed for the Public School Setting (1994)

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
Treatment of stuttering in school-age children can be challenging, due to the low-incidence of fluency disorders in schools and sometimes limited parental involvement. Research has shown the importance of targeting negative parental attitudes and feelings about stuttering, and focusing on self-acceptance and showing more positive thoughts and feelings around fluency disorders. Studies have also shown […]
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Dysfluency Strategies for the Classroom

March 1, 2023 by Ashley Zhinin.
This resource offers tips for educators, therapists, and parents who are seeking strategies to help their students who demonstrate dysfluent speech patterns in the classroom setting.
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