
Choosing a Homestay or Hotel for Vacation

September 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
Practice implementation of aids/strategies to compensate for cognitive impairments with real-life activity determining which homestay or hotel best fits your wish list for your next vacation.
This content is only available to members.

Adaptive Bathroom Upgrades With a Stability Focus

September 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
What does an adaptive bathroom look like? Spark a conversation with this sketch that depicts all of the adaptive bathroom upgrades that ensure stability and less likelihood of falls. This handout can be shared with contractors to help visualize installation of grab bars.
This content is only available to members.

Prism Glasses for Homonymous Hemianopia: Will It Restore Vision?

September 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
Prism glasses are often a go-to for clients with homonymous hemianopia, but do they actually work? While there is plenty of evidence to indicate that there is potential to increase the visual field by up to 20ยบ, this resource focuses on presenting the pros and cons of prism lenses so that clients can make more informed decisions about whether or not they want to incorporate this strategy into their recovery plan.
This content is only available to members.

Navigating the Complex and Frustrating World of Hospital Bills and Insurance Claims

September 30, 2024 by Ashley Zhinin.
Medical bills are increasingly complex and overwhelming, especially with current insurance models. This resource offers a strategy for breaking down costs to ensure that what is being charged is what is actually owed. Boost confidence with money management skills with this activity + full page of tips to help people navigate their hospital bills and insurance claims. Note that this is a U.S.-centric activity and focuses on U.S. legislation as well as typical U.S.-based health insurance policies.
This content is only available to members.

Understanding My Brain Injury

September 20, 2024 by Megan Berg.
Originally designed for teenagers, this handout was adapted based on a member request to remove language specifically targeting teens. It now serves as a helpful resource for anyone with a brain injury or their caregiver who may need a more basic, easy-to-understand overview of brain injury information.
This content is only available to members.