
Voice Restoration After Laryngectomy

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes the advantages and disadvantages of different techniques for voice restoration, including electrolarynx, esophageal speech, and tracheoesophageal puncture. This handout is best suited for patients considering laryngectomy and provides a starting point to discuss voice restoration options before the surgery is completed.
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Voice Exercises

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout includes descriptions for the following exercises: deep breathing, lip/tongue trills, yawn-sigh, pitch slides, voicing vowels, syllable repetitions, and humming scales.
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Throat Clearing Alternatives

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Frequent unnecessary throat clearing could lead to temporary vocal cord damage. This handout explains some of the natural reasons for throat clearing and how to try to use alternative strategies to reduce vocal cord damage.
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The Relationship Between Breath Support and Speech Production

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Pulmonary complications are common following brain injury. This handout explains how reduced breath support can lead to speech deficits and provides evidenced-based exercises that can be completed to improve breath support for speech production.
This content is only available to members.

Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract (SOVT) Exercises

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
SOVT exercises are commonly used in voice treatment because they allow the vocal folds to vibrate with less effort and more ease. They can be helpful for warming up the voice, relaxing the voice throughout the day, cooling down the voice, and promoting vocal longevity.
This content is only available to members.

Refractory Chronic Cough

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The handout provides a visual of the cough reflex arc as well as the urge to cough scale. This handout is designed for clinicians who are working with patients to resolve refractory chronic cough.
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Quick, Informal Voice Assessment

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This two-page evaluation form includes diadochokinetic rate, s/z ratio, maximum phonation, and fundamental frequency. Evidence-based norms are included for all parts.
This content is only available to members.

Vocal Fold Function

January 4, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource differentiates asthma and vocal fold dysfunction, laryngospasm vs vocal fold dysfunction, and lists key features of various vocal fold disorders.
This content is only available to members.

Quick Eval Checklist for SLPs

January 4, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This 1-page note-sheet captures information required for initial evaluation of someone entering a rehab facility, including basic information about swallowing, speech/language, voice, and cognitive abilities.
This content is only available to members.

Presbyphonia: The Aging Voice

January 4, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout explains presbyphonia, or “the aging voice,” what specific structures of the body change, and how to seek medical treatment if the person’s quality of life is being affected by these vocal changes.
This content is only available to members.