
Differential Diagnosis: Apraxia of Speech vs Aphasia with Phonemic Paraphasias

December 24, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Language impairments after brain injury can be difficult to tease out. In particular, apraxia of speech can often present in similar ways to aphasia with phonemic paraphasias. This clinical guide is meant to help speech-language pathologists more accurately diagnose these two impairments in order to better target treatment methods.
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Alliteration/Tongue Twister Dysarthria Activity

December 20, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Research suggests individuals with dysarthria have significantly increased speech errors and a slower rate when verbalizing challenging tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are often filled with alliterations or sounds repeated in close succession. This material provides evidence to support practicing verbalizing alliterations and tongue twisters to target articulatory precision and prosodic strategies and provides examples for […]
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