This handout covers different elements of being prepared for emergency situations given changes due to the new onset of a condition for a caregiver and/or patient.
The article explained two terms, competence and decisional capacity, and how they are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Competence is the formal court adjudication regarding a person’s right to decide for themselves. Decisional capacity is the working, practical extralegal clinical judgment about a person’s ability to make autonomous choices about a specific matter during a particular […]
The study used a convenience sample of adults referred to outpatient low-vision rehabilitation. Stroke was the documented cause of visual deficit for all participants except one who had sustained a brain tumor. All participants had homonymous hemianopsia or quadrantanopsia, and all but one lived in their own homes.Semi-structured interviews demonstrated that participants identified personal hygiene/grooming […]
Navigating vision deficits can feel like untangling a complex web — this screening tool helps unravel those threads. This guide walks you through key points to look for with clinical interview and observation, assesses for oculomotor deficits, acuity, contrast sensivity, visual field deficits, and more.
This handout details why engaging in personal hygiene tasks is important for the client and is appropriate for people with cognitive impairments/delay or with mental health challenges.