This is a framework for cognitive strategies while referencing a functional spring cleaning and home organization checklist to improve independence and accuracy for patients with cognitive communication deficits that impact attention, organization, problem-solving, and executive function tasks.
This template allows for a partnership between the patient and the therapist to create meaningful goals. A supplemental page provides space for goals to be paired with ideas for addressing the goals outside of therapy.
Use the following self-rating questions related to barriers to return to driving to assess self-awareness of limitations and guide discussion about aids, devices, and/or strategies that can assist with working toward the goal of operating a vehicle again.
Target skills such as sustained attention, alternating attention, judgment/reasoning, visual scanning, and more while independently proofreading a letter or utilizing AI tools to identify and correct errors. The letter is written at a high school reading level.
This therapy material works on a variety of visual perceptual skills using images from a grocery store for a functional real-world version of spot the difference.