
What Is the Role of Questioning in Young Children’s Fluency? (2022)

December 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
A common component in therapy programs for children who stutter is modification of caregiver behavior and communication. The Demands and Capacities Model looks at a child’s ability to respond quickly to stimuli and coordinate speech movements in interaction with internal and external demands. A popular recommendation from the Demands and Capacities Model is to reduce […]
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Drawing Talking: Listening to Children With Speech Sound Disorders (2022)

October 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
Part of our job as speech therapists is to develop holistic and client-centered treatment plans to maximize progress and impact. In pediatrics, we often collaborate with parents and teachers during the assessment process but may not be fully evaluating the child’s perspective. The Sound Effects Study Drawing Protocol is a holistic, arts-based technique to support […]
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Clinicians’ Perspectives of Treatment for Lateralization Errors: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study (2022)

September 1, 2022 by Ashley Zhinin.
“Slushy” /s/ and /z/ sounds are commonly heard within the walls of speech therapy rooms. The prevalence of lateralization errors (LEs) varies from 0%-5% in children ages 3-9 years. These speech errors may cause adverse social consequences, demonstrating the importance of effective treatment. This study explores how clinicians view LE treatment, specific challenges this diagnosis […]
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