Core Values

Exceptional Design

We believe that people who use speech, occupational, and physical therapy services are fighters and survivors who deserve high quality resources that engage and inspire them.

Everyone deserves access to high-quality, evidence-based, person-centered therapy materials. All of our resources are fresh, engaging, inviting, inspiring, beautifully designed, and focused on exactly what you are trying to achieve: making progress and getting results.

Person-Centered Care

We believe the traditional medical model is outdated and discriminatory. Our work is based on the empowerment medical model.

Modern healthcare has deep roots in authoritative medical culture. We believe that as patients, we all have the right to choose our own medical path, based on our individual beliefs, life goals, priorities, life history, and preferences. It is the job of medical experts to provide unbiased, evidence-based information and hold space to support and empower individual choices, no matter the outcome.