Clinical Resources

Print from the Clinical Resource library.

Eval Tool

OT Discharge Recommendations Form

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTBrain InjuryOrthopaedicsStroke
A simple way for practitioners to summarize all discharge recommendations. Improves interdisciplinary communication, streamlines discharge planning, and educates patients and families. Includes home evaluation findings, home care service recommendations, community resources, equipment, supervision recommendations, and more.
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Pacemaker Precautions

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultOTCardiovascular Disease
This is a visual guide to educate patients and hang in the room during rehabilitation immediately following a pacemaker surgery, as well as a guide for long term precautions when living with a pacemaker.
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Orthostatic Hypotension Precautions

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
A list of orthostatic hypotension precautions for patients.
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Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout outlines what osteoporosis is, what causes it, what can be done to prevent it and what strategies can be used to minimize its impact. 
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Orthostatic Hypotension

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout provides patients with information on orthostatic hypotension and encourages them to speak with their OT and physician for education on conservative management. 
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Oral Stimulation for NPO Infants

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPFeeding and Swallowing
This handout describes the need for oral stimulation as early intervention for feeding abilities and outlines the framework for this type of therapy.
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Therapy Material

Organizing a Calendar

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages
AdultOTSLPBrain Injury
This schedule organization task requires a person to use a variety of executive function skills including good initiation, visual scanning, divided visual attention, planning/organization, reading comprehension, written expression, and problem solving/reasoning.
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Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders and Treatment

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
PediatricSLPArticulation and Phonology
This handout describes orofacial myofunctional disorders and treatment options for kids. Designed for SLPs to provide to parents and caregivers during education sessions to help improve insight into conditions and therapy.
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Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA)

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA) is a treatment created to target reading comprehension in people with aphasia; however, it has also been shown to improve oral expression, auditory comprehension, and written expression skills, and suprasegmental features of speech, including intonation and prosody. This material explains what type of aphasia benefits from ORLA and how ORLA can be adapted for different severity levels, prerequisites, and completion steps.
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Therapy Material

Oral Motor Flashcards

Print Resource — US Letter — 3 pages (10 cards when cut)
These flashcards feature 10 exercises are included with visualizations and written instructions for each. These exercises are designed for patients who are wanting to improve labial seal, labial range of motion, lingual strength, and lingual range of motion.
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Eval Tool

Oral Mech Exam Visual Cards

Print Resource — US Letter — 8 pages (24 cards when cut)
AdultSLPAphasiaDysphagiaMotor Speech/Dysarthria/ApraxiaVoice
Completing an oral mech exam with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, or while wearing a mask or other PPE can be a challenge. These 3×5 inch cards can be cut, laminated, and used to guide the patient through the steps of the oral mech exam. Clean thoroughly between use, or print a fresh copy for each test.
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Oral Care Staff Cue Cards

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page (4 cards when cut)
AdultSLPCaregiver SupportsDysphagia
These four cue cards are designed to remind staff to follow aspiration precautions. Card #1: Complete oral care before serving a meal. #2: Complete oral care after meals. #3: Put dentures in before a meal. #4: Assist with oral care before bed.
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Eval Tool

Oral Mech Exam

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
AdultSLPAphasiaDysphagiaMotor Speech/Dysarthria/ApraxiaVoice
A quick reference guide for SLPs conducting oral mech exams, including cues for the physical exam, voice observation, articulation, and nasality. Includes specifics on how to assess both sensory and motor functions of the cranial nerves.
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One Handed Dressing Techniques for Hemiplegia

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout includes visual and written guides on one handed shoe tying, how to don a button down shirt, and use of a button hook to improve independence after hemiplegia.
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Clinical Reference

Occupational Therapy Intervention Strategies for Spasticity

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTBrain InjuryProgressive Neurological ConditionsSpinal Cord InjuryStroke
OT aims to reduce the negative outcomes of spastic tone and maintain an individual’s highest functional potential. Included are several of the most common OT assessments and interventions for spasticity, including positioning, splinting, and modalities.
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Odynophagia or Painful Swallowing

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
This handout explains the difference between dysphagia and odynophagia, common symptoms and causes, and provides some treatment considerations. 
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Therapy Material

Object Association Activity (Summer Theme)

Print Resource — US Letter — 4 pages
PediatricSLPLanguage Development
This engaging activity helps children learn to make associations, sort, and categorize, which are all important skills for cognitive and language development. Instruct and assist the child to cut and paste the images that match the picture scene.
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Occupational Therapy During Palliative Care

Print Resource — US Letter — 1 page
Often the goals for therapy and the goals for end of life care seem at opposite ends of a spectrum. In some instances, OT can play an integral role in end of life care, and this handout describes the ways OT is relevant in this setting.
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Clinical Reference

Occupational Therapy Student Cheat Sheet

Print Resource — US Letter — 2 pages
AdultOTBrain InjuryOrthopaedicsStroke
This tool offers a variety of information to help occupational therapy students be successful during their fieldwork rotations, including range of motion norms, assistance levels, manual muscle testing, goal writing basics, and more.
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