This task is designed as a task to tackle alternating attention and visual scanning. Patients are required to match a number to a letter in order to find the punchlines to jokes.
Alphabet boards to have handy when assessing people with aphasia or other communication barriers. Two separate layouts: alphabetical and QWERTY keyboard.
Research suggests individuals with dysarthria have significantly increased speech errors and a slower rate when verbalizing challenging tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are often filled with alliterations or sounds repeated in close succession. This material provides evidence to support practicing verbalizing alliterations and tongue twisters to target articulatory precision and prosodic strategies and provides examples for practice.
Do you have a patient who needs some higher level exercise but may be unable to balance well when standing? This document offers a generic exercise program with only seated exercises. The document is great for health fairs, moderate level home exercise programs, and lists safe activities to increase activity tolerance for individuals with moderate impairment.
A task for the older adult population to help identify current interests and potentials for new passions. This will assist the patient in the transition out of work into retirement and will also assist the therapist in their goals and direction of care.
This simple visual checklist is meant for those clients with early stage dementia who still have physical capability but forget to complete all necessary steps in ADL routine, to allow for completion of routine with less caregiver cues and more opportunity for independence. Simple list on the first page, more detailed items on the second. May be cut apart and rearranged if needed and copied. If desired, may laminate and reuse daily with a dry erase marker.
This book activities pack targets literacy skills, including print motivation and awareness, letter knowledge, vocabulary, phonological awareness, and narrative skills.Poodle loves to doodle everywhere – walls, doors, floors, no surface is safe! Poodle is soon in trouble. But could her alfresco drawing skills actually come in useful? This entertaining story for beginner readers has simple […]