
Brain Injury and Nutrition

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
People who have survived brain injury require higher nutritional intake during recovery. This handout describes why and outlines some of the barriers and strategies to addressing these needs. Appropriate for staff, caregivers, patients, and family.
This content is only available to members.

Brain Injuries and Headaches

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout features a simple pain scale and outlines the use of the rule of 2 in order to reduce the frequency of headaches s/p TBI.
This content is only available to members.

Bottle Feeding

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Based on the course Bottle Feeding in the Outpatient Setting by Mallory L. Millet, MS, SLP, IFS, CIMI-II, this handout is designed for parents and caregivers who are struggling with bottle feeding and looking for answers. The handout starts with the foundational knowledge that there are no regulations for bottle manufacturers.
This content is only available to members.

Books to Practice Speech Sounds

December 23, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides book recommendations to help children practice specific sounds, including /b/, /ch/, /g/, /r/, /d/, /f/, /k/, /s/, and vowel sounds.
This content is only available to members.

Body Scanning Meditation for Persistent Pain

December 22, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Meditation and mindfulness techniques may be helpful to help manage persistent pain. This intervention handout outlines a simple body scanning technique for pain reduction. 
This content is only available to members.

Bladder Irritants and Nocturia Prevention Strategies

December 21, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Nocturia has a significant impact on sleep quality. This handout provides strategies to prevent nocturia through lifestyle modification and a list of common bladder irritants to avoid.
This content is only available to members.

Bipolar Disorder

December 21, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Managing a mental health diagnosis can be a lifelong learning process. This handout explains the bipolar diagnosis, common characteristics of manic and depressive episodes, expectations for symptoms and management, and treatment options including the role of OT.
This content is only available to members.

Bilingual Language Development

December 21, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Due to the increased number of children speaking more than one language, parents need more resources to understand how language develops in the bilingual child’s brain. This handout provides general information on bilingual language learning.
This content is only available to members.

Better Speech and Hearing Month 2020

December 21, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This is an updated design based on our original Better Speech and Hearing Month handout. Designed to target a more general audience, this handout describes the three hats worn by speech-language pathologists in medical rehabilitation settings: speech/language/voice, cognition, and dysphagia.
This content is only available to members.