
Upper Extremity Neuropathies

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
When a client has neuropathy, it is often up to clinicians to assess the presentation, refer to an MD for interdisciplinary collaboration, and educate caregivers about symptoms and expected outcomes in addition to performing interventions. This resource includes a comprehensive chart for clinicians outlining upper extremity neuropathies, diagnoses commonly associated with upper extremity neuropathy, and their presentations. Presented in alphabetical order for ease of use.
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Typical Musculoskeletal Tissue Healing Time Frames

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Knowing how long different tissues may take to heal is critical for acute and post operative orthopedic rehabilitation. This resource lists typical tissue healing times based on current research and is a useful resource to help guide rehabilitation.
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Typical Cervical Radiculopathy Presentations

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource provides an overview of radiculopathy presentations per level in the cervical spine including weakness patterns and sensory loss/pain patterns.
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Typical Blood Lab Value Ranges

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Therapists frequently encounter and are asked questions about lab value ranges, especially in the acute care setting. This resource is a great tool for those who need a quick reference to keep on their notepad that outlines typical lab value ranges for commonly encountered lab values. 
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Total Hip Arthroplasty: An In-Depth Resource for Clinicians

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
It is imperative to understand the nuances of different types of approaches and materials used for THA surgeries, as well as complications, statistics, and current research. Strong anatomical understanding can help drive skilled, evidence-based therapy interventions and improve outcomes.
This content is only available to members.

Topic Inspirations for Stroke/Brain Injury Support Groups

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Support groups provide a safe space for survivors of strokes/brain injuries and care partners during and after therapy has ended. This handout is as an inspiration guide for creating a meaningful group discussion theme for successful support groups.
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Tips for Effective and Efficient Documentation

January 10, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource provides tips to make documentation more efficient but still effective, provides a checklist of what should be included in the documentation of skilled services, and provides a link to access an extensive list of action verbs to use in documentation of rehabilitation services.
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The Goal-Plan-Do-Review Treatment Strategy

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
The Goal-Plan-Do-Review strategy is helpful to identify a person’s strengths and areas of assistance with executive function abilities. This resource includes are step-by-step areas to guide how to approach accomplishing a new goal.
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The DN4 for Evaluating Neuropathic Pain: Interpretation and Implications for Practice

January 9, 2022 by Megan Berg.
There are various evaluation tools that can be used to discriminate different types of pain to better inform clinical practice. The Douleur Neuropathique4 questionnaire (DN4) is a simple questionnaire that can assist with the diagnosis of neuropathic pain. It is a short, 1-minute questionnaire with a question and examination component. This resource includes the DN4 and a second page for clinicians which outlines current evidence surrounding the management of neuropathic pain.
This content is only available to members.