Being on a pureed diet can be an isolating, degrading, depressing situation. This calls for creativity! There are so many ways to add flavor to mashed potatoes- make it a dessert, make it spicy, make it Thai, Indian, Mexican cuisine… there are no limits! Here are 27 ideas to get kitchen staff, patients, and families inspired.
This resource discusses many common respiratory diagnoses, categorized between acute vs. chronic. Interventions and education are significantly different when the client is looking at long term management of a diagnosis vs. short term difficulty with expected improvement back to prior level of function.
Pseudobulbar affect (PBA) is a form of emotional lability that is observed as sudden, frequent, and unpredictable outbursts of crying and/or laughing. This handout can help educate patients and their caregivers about what it is, what it isn’t, areas of the brain that cause it, what to do if a person has it, and how to access a lability scale that can be helpful when referring.
Often, parents, caregivers, and therapists find songs or nursery rhymes to be a simple or single layer activity when in fact they can provide a rich language experience. This resource gives ideas on how parents and clinicians can model and use songs and nursery rhymes to promote early language with the birth-3 population.
Prevention is the key when it comes to pressure sores. This document describes ways to decrease risk as well as some tips if a sore has already developed.
This piece describes challenging behaviors and how the environment, caregiver, and person with dementia may trigger an increase of behaviors. Also provided is a non-pharmacological problem-solving approach to reduce or eliminate dementia related behaviors.
This resource explains common reasons that clients fall from bed and utilizes a detailed and thorough approach to environmental, caregiver, and client interventions to reduce the risks.