This flow sheet/decision tree helps differentiate and help with decision making between a FEES vs MBSS in the pediatric population and explores common pitfalls.
The incidence of food allergy, specifically peanut allergy, has been found to be on the rise and requires additional consideration when introducing solid foods to high-risk infants and children. This guideline provides valuable information regarding the current evidence for allergen introduction.
Señales de luz de llamada imprimibles en diferentes tamaños para diversas poblaciones, así como recomendaciones de seguridad para equipos interdisciplinarios sobre la colocación de luces de llamada y otras consideraciones.Find this resource in English here.
This resource provides evidence-based therapeutic exercises to progress clients who are unable to safely or correctly elevate the shoulder against gravity. It contains an easy-to-follow HEP as well as details forward elevation for the practitioner.