This document helps prepare speech therapists with documenting medical necessity. It provides documentation tips and examples for skilled documentation. It will help reduce the incidence of denials.
People with ALS often lose their speaking ability. Voice preservation is voice and message banking that allows people to record their voice for a more personalized voice experience with augmentative and alternative communication options.
This resource provides detailed information regarding structural vocal pathologies that may be seen during the fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES).
Working with the ventilation population can be initially daunting as a speech-language pathologist (SLP). This material provides a basic review of types of ventilation and ventilator settings that are important to know and understand before initiating Passy Muir speaking valve (PMV) trials. Furthermore, a review of the benefits of PMV use and collaboration with a respiratory therapist is provided.
This handout includes descriptions for the following exercises: deep breathing, lip/tongue trills, yawn-sigh, pitch slides, voicing vowels, syllable repetitions, and humming scales.
Frequent unnecessary throat clearing could lead to temporary vocal cord damage. This handout explains some of the natural reasons for throat clearing and how to try to use alternative strategies to reduce vocal cord damage.