
Speech Therapy and the Basal Ganglia

January 6, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides written education on the basal ganglia including signs of dysfunction, diseases of the basal ganglia, and why a person may benefit from speech therapy with a lesion in this area of the brain.
This content is only available to members.

Smart Home Technology to Promote Independence

January 6, 2022 by Megan Berg.
There are many technological tools that can assist people as they age so that they can stay at home as safely and as independently as possible. This handout provides 5 considerations for patients and their families to consider.
This content is only available to members.

Siri Voice Commands

January 6, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout provides step-by-step instructions for turning on Siri and how to use “Hey Siri.” Also includes 12 specific voice-command scripts for functional tasks.
This content is only available to members.

Shoulder Subluxation: Causes and Treatment Interventions

January 6, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This resource aims to improve outcomes and understanding of this diagnosis – it describes subluxation, including the diagnosis techniques, anatomy, and progression. It also lists and describes the most common and evidence-based interventions for prevention and management of subluxation.
This content is only available to members.

Sharing the Cost

January 6, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This is a high-level cognitive activity that provides a scenario for calculating expenses for a group of friends going out to dinner and enjoying an entertainment event. 
This content is only available to members.

Sensory Strategies for Improving Unilateral Neglect

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
Unilateral neglect is a challenging disorder that arises after injury to the brain. This resource covers a variety of sensory strategies that can be implemented in order to improve attention to the affected side.
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January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes the foundations of self-awareness as related to brain injury. This information breaks down intellectual awareness, emergent awareness, and anticipatory awareness and describes treatment processes in rehabilitation therapy that can improve self-awareness.
This content is only available to members.

Screening for Proprioceptive Deficits

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This screening tool provides a simple assessment and score sheet in order to detect deficits in proprioception. Multiple methods of testing are included.
This content is only available to members.

Relative Scale of Cognitive Load

January 5, 2022 by Megan Berg.
This visual allows patients to indicate how easy/difficult a cognitive therapy task is by selecting a number between 1 and 7.
This content is only available to members.