This clinical reference describes coaching within the context of rehabilitation therapy and highlights coaching principles for behavioral change and goal setting. It is applicable across practice settings.
Practice implementation of aids/strategies to compensate for cognitive impairments with real-life activity determining which type of dog food has the least amount of low-nutritional value and/or harmful ingredients.
Printable call light signs of various sizes for various populations as well as safety tips for interdisciplinary teams for call light placement and other considerations.
Señales de luz de llamada imprimibles en diferentes tamaños para diversas poblaciones, así como recomendaciones de seguridad para equipos interdisciplinarios sobre la colocación de luces de llamada y otras consideraciones. Find this resource in English here.
Two evidence-based solution-focused activities with a handout for clients experiencing health challenges that aids in constructing solutions instead of focusing on problems.
This resource offers insights into creating an adult sensory diet. It includes a worksheet portion that can be used to create a sensory diet as part of an intervention plan.