Two evidence-based solution-focused activities with a handout for clients experiencing health challenges that aids in constructing solutions instead of focusing on problems.
Multiple systems atrophy is an adult onset, sporadic, rapidly progressive neuro-degenerative disease that presents with a common early symptom of dysphagia. Aspiration pneumonia is the leading cause of death in MSA, so it is important for SLPs to be knowledgeable of the evaluation and treatment, which can be found in this educational handout. This handout […]
People with ALS often lose their speaking ability. Voice preservation is voice and message banking that allows people to record their voice for a more personalized voice experience with augmentative and alternative communication options.
This therapy material uses the Kawa Model as an intervention in order to educate about the role of occupational therapy, and help with goal setting and motivation.
This handout is intended for those who have low mobility and may need to use a standing frame, or who need extra motivation to work toward standing strength and/or tolerance.
Information processing speed is related to the complex and multidimensional constructs of attention. This material describes two options to compensate for or treat slowed processing speed often seen following brain injury or other neurodegenerative disorders.