This resource includes considerations and procedures for proper setup and completion of sliding board transfers. Can be used during therapy and client/family/caregiver education to improve safety and carryover.
This visual guide serves as a quick reference for determining proper wheelchair positioning. A great piece to post in a wheelchair storage room and/or use for caregiver education as an initial screening tool to determine if therapy intervention may be warranted.
Do you have patients who are struggling with gait mechanics? This resource outlines the activity of different muscle groups when walking. Use it to identify weaknesses and better understand how to get your patients walking better.
Do you have a patient needing to discharge home with a walker or crutches? Does that same patient have to navigate stairs or a curb cut? This document outlines the safe ascending and descending navigation of steps
This resource describes two styles of transfer techniques for a client requiring maximal or greater assistance. Staff may feel apprehensive attempting this type of transfer and it offers a step-by-step guide as well as modifications to consider based on the client’s abilities. May also be used for facility transfer inservices or caregiver education.
This handout outlines two exercises targeted at some of the more common impairments seen in patients with hip arthritis. Includes visual instructions for exercises to address mobility, strength, and overall function.
This handout is designed for patients learning how to use a walker safely. It includes tips related to general safety, safe pathways, carrying items, and reaching.
This document provides an explanation on gait patterns with assistive devices. This can be a helpful resource when documenting patterns or can be used as a handout to send with patients.
This handout includes caregiver education regarding the benefits of proper wheelchair positioning. Includes such benefits as fall reduction, improved intake, reduced risk of aspiration, improved skin integrity, pain reduction, and increased ADL independence. Aim is to improve caregiver attention and follow through for use of the proper seating system and timely repositioning.