Practice implementation of aids/strategies to compensate for cognitive impairments with real-life activity determining which type of dog food has the least amount of low-nutritional value and/or harmful ingredients.
An easy-to-use guide for clinicians on how to design individualized memory strategies based on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs).
This resource is a compensatory memory strategy for people with a brain injury, providing a space to keep all login and password information organized.
This is a framework for cognitive strategies while referencing a functional spring cleaning and home organization checklist to improve independence and accuracy for patients with cognitive communication deficits that impact attention, organization, problem-solving, and executive function tasks.
This material will help patients better understand the information they read on their prescription medication labels to ensure safety with medication management.
This resource discusses the benefits of using assigned jobs during an individual’s rehab stay and gives examples of jobs that work well in the clinic.
This resource offers simple and clear pictures for labeling spaces in the home (e.g. dresser full of clothes, kitchen drawers) to increase independence for clients with decreased memory.