
Causes and Long-Term Outlook of Post-Operative Cognitive Dysfunction

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
Often, patients continue to experience cognitive dysfunction after undergoing surgery and while in rehabilitation therapy. This can present from mild symptoms, including poor working memory and poor attention/focus, to more severe symptoms, including severe memory impairments that put the patient at risk for further decline in function. While the etiology of this condition is not fully understood, this handout aims to provide patients, family, caregivers, and staff with important information about the causes and long-term outlook of this condition, which can be very costly, both financially and emotionally to patients and their families.
This content is only available to members.

Bladder Infections and Cognitive Dysfunction

December 25, 2021 by Megan Berg.
This handout describes the brain-bladder connection, particularly among older adults, and lists the signs/symptoms associated with cognitive dysfunction in the context of a urinary tract infection. Designed for clinicians, staff, family, caregivers, and patients.
This content is only available to members.